
Jessica Montoya

Business Owner | Maker | Scientist
Jessica Montoya is the founder and owner of The Little Soap Store, a handmade bath and body business. Her passion for making bath bombs arose from her love of taking baths. At one point, Jessica’s life was very hectic—she was juggling a full-time job, going to school full-time, and starting her business. That’s when she discovered baths not only made her clean, they washed away the day’s stress and brought more balance to her life. Jessica wants to help people one bath at a time, and she hopes something as small as a bath bomb can put a smile on someone’s face and bring a little joy to his or her day. Jessica has a background in scientific research with degrees in both biology and literature. Her hobbies include bath-taking, relearning how to play the violin, road trips, visiting the ghost towns of America, wild-west history, concerts, reading, and watching movies. Jessica is a political junkie, currently living in El Paso, Texas in the historic neighborhood of Sunset Heights with her honey, Matt, and their fur babies Noche, George Pawshington, and Meuw Meuw.