
Swirly Studio

Alyona got into paper art several years ago when she wanted to make a birthday card for her daughter’s teacher. She looked online for ideas and found handmade cards with rolled paper strips. She made her first own handmade card. After she got inspired and decided to study this paper technique called Quilling or paper filigree. 

Based in Orange County, California the Quilling artist, Alyona Kochubey, has been honing her skills in paper art. Originally a business analyst with her 15 years of experience in Internet technology she was passionate by new art that now she is a founder, designer, and creator of Swirly Studio and a certified Quilling artist as well.

What began as a hobby is now a creative business with thousands followers who seek inspiration, tips, and tricks in the art of Quilling. After many questions about how to start Quilling, she decided to teach others and inspire newcomers to create Quilling artworks. Teaching others and sharing techniques is what Alyona loves the most doing as a Quilling artist. Watching her students perfect every swirl and coil, seeing their excitement, giving them guidance in this unusual art, and encouraging them as they go is what I love the most. 

Alyona believes Quilling is available for everyone. All you need to start creating amazing artwork is just paper strips, glue, scissors, and a cardstock