DIY Diamond Art Treble Clef Journal Tutorial
Are you ready to tune your creativity to the key of dazzle?
This adorable photo album is perfect for getting you to sing a sweet tune. Just
using the treble clef Diamond Art kit and a photo album, notebook, or journal,
you can have a gorgeous new memory keeper. This beginner Diamond Art design is
fun and fresh, making it an evergreen design for your collection. It may be
small, but it shines on high power! Diamond Art is powered by Diamond Dotz, a
small 13 faceted gem with dazzling effects
Mar 6th 2022
Spread Your Wings With Diamond Art
"Creativity is intelligence having fun."— Albert EinsteinGet creative with acetate and diamond dotting. Whether
it's a butterfly, cactus, corgi, or a popsicle, a shadowbox is the great way to
add a sparkle of personality to any home or office! Today's tutorial takes you
step-by-step through creating a butterfly shadowbox worth treasuring for years
to come. Diamond Dotting Butterfly on Acetate
Shadowbox—Handmade By Leisure ArtsNow This Is A Fly Project Add designer touches and show off your
Jan 9th 2022
Viral Crafts
With Tik Tok, Instagram, and Pinterest constantly churning out new ideas, it's hard to sort through it all and figure out what you're actually interested in. That's where we come in! We've combed through social media to find the trendiest crafts so you don't have to! From jewelry to embroidery, there's a trendy craft for you, just just have to discover it.Clay JewelryClay jewelry is the newest thing in accessorizing. With its durability and versatility, this medium is taking Instagram and Tik To
Apr 25th 2021
National Craft Month: Taking Your Crafts Up A Notch
With National Craft Month well under way, it's time to start thinking about how you can grow your skills and expand your craft. Whether you're a diamond dotter, knitter, quilter, or something else entirely, this is the perfect time to experiment and see just how good you are. Test yourself, you may find yourself surprised by how advanced you've become!Doily OverloadCombine the elegance of tradition with the styles of today. Doilies are a fun and unexpected way to update your home with a retro fl
Mar 21st 2021
Spring Essentials
Spring is finally here! Gone are the short, cold winter days. It's time to welcome rain showers, sunshine, and freshly bloomed flowers. With the new season also comes new necessities. You have a new season to craft for! Whether you want to spring clean your yarn stash or just want a quick home update, we've got you covered for all your springtime essentials.Diamond DottingKit #52517Capture the beauty of nature with a new Diamond Art painting. With 13 faceted Diamond Dotz and hours of fun ahead,
Mar 14th 2021