Gift Ideas for MOM!
It's the perfect time to plan your Mother's Day Gift! I am usual the one that is running to the store on the way to her house but this year - I want to do better! I have pulled together some ideas to help YOU plan ahead! So, browse below, or on the site, and pick out a KIT to make (or gift) and plan your gift ahead of time. Now the hard part...sorting through all of the choices!Let's take a look at KITS You can make the kit and give it as a handmade gift or buy one and give it to her to make...O
Apr 19th 2023
10 Yarn Stash-Busting Projects Ideas
We both know that yarn buying is just as much of a hobby as the actual hobby you're buying the yarn for. Don't deny it - we all know it's true! And we also know that remnants seem to have a basket (or closet) of their own! If you're like me, I can't part with a partial skein because you never know when I'll need that color in another project! So, with that in mind, let's work through our yarn-stash and make a few things! You might be inspired by a few items below to try something new (meaning: a
Apr 13th 2023
Easter Inspired Crafts You Must TRY!
Attention all crafters! This collection is the ultimate list of Easter craft ideas! It ranges from crochet, knit, embroidery and beyond! We love our crafts, and we know you do too! So, put on your creative hat this week and craft with us!1. Huggable Amigurumi: BUNNYThe Easter Bunny is coming! Wouldn't this be the cutest addition to your kiddo's collection? 2. Knit Victoria Layette ePatternKnit your little one a layette for Easter. Elegant style is perfect for the spring outing.&nb
Apr 4th 2023
10 Irresistible Crochet Patterns
Leisure Arts LOVES crochet and we have found 10 of the most irresistible crochet patterns that we just had to share with you! It was hard to pick just 10, but maybe this will get your creative crochet juices flowing! Staring in no particular irresistible order....1. Say hello to the adorable Finn the Fox. He struts his stuff with his full belly, pointy nose and darling vine scarf. If you haven't had a chance to make this's about time! Finn can be found in Mini Huggables.
Mar 28th 2023
Start 'Em Young! Crafting for Kiddos
Crafting is a lifelong passion for a lot of people. Give the gift of that passion to a younger generation with easy-to-follow books that are made for kids! From yarn crafts to quilting, there's a craft out there that's just waiting to be done by a youngster. Those tiny hands are the perfect size to hold a needle or crochet hook. With your supervision, they can become hooked on crafting early on!CrochetIntroduce your kid to the art of crochet. This book, with basic instructions, techniques,
Jan 2nd 2022